3D Systems CubeX to RepRap Conversion

April 11, 2020


The controller has been replaced with an Arduino Mega 2560 outfitted with a RAMPS 1.4 board and the screen has been replaced with a RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller. The stepper motors are all still original.




The stock extruder has been replaced with the much more trouble free E3D V6 Hotend.


Build Platform

I have replaced the included glass build platform with a heated bed covered with an adhesive PEI sheet. The heated bed consists of a 12 x 12 " 1/4 " thick milled aluminum plate with a flexible silicon heater underneath controlled by a solid state relay with the standard E3D Cartridge Thermistor.

Aluminum Plate - https://www.mcmaster.com/9057k17

Silicon Heater - https://www.mcmaster.com/35765k613

PEI Sheet - https://www.mcmaster.com/3697n36

E3D Cartridge Thermistor - https://e3d-online.com/thermistor-cartridge


The firmware is Marlin 2.0 set up for the new extruder, heated bed, and calibrated for the stepper motors.

The M92 Calibrated Step Settings are: X87.53 Y87.42 Z1084.79 E80.12

Currently I have disabled the display as it was acting strange powering off / preventing the controller from powering on.

You may download the current firmware below:
