Pinephone Tips
Install pmbootstrap Utility
pip3 install --user pmbootstrap
Or update pmbootstrap with the following:
pip3 install --user --upgrade pmbootstrap
I have it installed in ~/.local/bin
Configuring a new PostMarketOS Image
pmbootstrap init
Then follow the prompts to build the image.
Updating an existing PostMarketOS Image
pmbootstrap pull
and then follow the prompts...
Build the PostmarketOS Image
pmbootstrap install
then install to the eMMC with (using dmesg or lsblk to find the proper path of course) Make sure you format the target device and use Jumpdrive to expose the device over USB:
pmbootstrap install --sdcard=/dev/mmcblk
Then shutdown the pmbootstrap chroot:
pmbootstrap shutdown
You should be good to go!